Games of Chance Rules Guide for Parents and Teachers  
     Game Rules for Parents & Teachers   

Welcome to the Games of Chance section of our website. In this area we list the games that require a limited amount of thought or skill. The game is primarily determined by the “random roll” of our special Polydi™ dice.

Polydi Patience : If luck is on your side, you will roll the “Polydi Symbol” and rescue the Polydi from the cage. Rolling a “plus sign” is also beneficial. But we strongly suggest trying to stay away from rolling a “minus sign”. That would certainly not be good luck. Take a chance, and play the game.

Number Capture Time Challenge : This game can be tons of fun, but it definitely requires a good amount of luck. Be warned, it may take a long time to complete this game of chance. Are you ready to test your luck with the dice?

Lucky Seven Low Score Challenge : The Lucky Seven Low Score Challenge actually requires a very small amount of mathematics which does require thought. However, the rest of the game is primarily a game of chance. See how quickly you can roll three sevens. Watch out for the “minus sign” or you have to start again.

All of our games require a little bit of thought and skill, but these ones require a rather low amount. Keep in mind, it takes “thought” to know the rules. And it takes a limited amount of “skill” to pick up the dice and roll them. Therefore, when you are playing these games of chance, thought and skill is still required.

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